LE Furniture Repair offers affordable wooden bed frame repair services in the Florida area. One of my first adult luxuries was a second-hand king-sized wooden bed. For the cost of a metal-framed twin, my friend sold me her giant wooden bed and barely used mattress. She failed to mention that the wooden bed frame was […]
Don’t let a damaged bed frame keep you awake at night. With LE Furniture Repair’s affordable wooden bed frame repair services, you’ll never toss and turn trying to get comfortable again. Many people believe that the secret to sound sleep lies in a high-quality mattress, but that’s not entirely true. A mattress is only as […]
Whether your antique wooden bed is a family heirloom or a rare find from a vintage store—it is undoubtedly something you hold dear. Often the bed’s value is more than just monetary or aesthetic; it’s also sentimental. Unfortunately, as it is passed down from generation to generation –your wooden bed frame suffers a lot of […]